Kate Parry

Kate Parry

Community Programme Manager | Core Team

Kate is a London-born circus artist and aerialist. She started her professional life working in Public Health in the NHS, giving her a lot of experience of partnership work and project management. However, after being introduced to circus through attending community classes, she realised it also had a lot to offer to the well-being and happiness of people.

She decided that this was really her calling and promptly ran away with the circus. She was awarded a place at the National Center for Circus Arts (NCCA) and is one of the first ever in the UK to graduate with a Postgraduate Diploma in Circus Arts, specializing in swinging trapeze.

Since then she has worked for a number of touring tented circuses across Europe, festivals, corporate events and taught circus to adults and children, the London Youth Circus, and taught on the first Btec in circus at the NCCA. In between contracts, she has furthered her professional development by spending periods in Montreal working with Cirque du Soleil coach Victor Fomine, known for pushing boundaries of possibility and developing new techniques for swinging trapeze and it’s coaching.

This amazing journey into circus has now brought her to glittering sunny Cardiff to manage and develop the community programme of NFS.

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