
Community Focus

What we do and the way we work is evolving.

What we do and the way we work is evolving

Right across NoFit State we are shifting our focus. We want to rebalance our work within our local and wider communities to explore how together we can make circus more accessible, equitable and impactful.

We see the increasing divisions within our communities, the growing gap between those with privilege and those without, the damaging effects of bias and discrimination; and we know we must do more to better confront these issues.

We are developing new ways of working within our local communities to ensure that diversity and inclusivity truly underpin everything that we are and everything that we do.



Central to our new direction is working in a collaborative way, co-creating programmes and projects with our local and wider communities that are built around what people actually want and need.

We will have conversations and create spaces where our community can join us and talk to us about what matters to them, so that we can work together to bring those ideas to life.

We will co-design a new way of working that will work towards eliminating the societal, cultural, racial and financial barriers or bias that prevent people from engaging with us, and empower people to recognise their unique strengths and passions.


New Faces

As part of the change in how we operate, we have created some important new roles to help guide and shape our work.

Our new 'Community Champions' will bring their lived experience from local communities into the work we deliver. They will work throughout our local community to help us connect more widely and deeply - making sure the new programme reflects and serves our local communities, with the new 'Community Projects Manager’ overseeing and managing the delivery.

We are also gathering together a steering group to help guide the direction of the programme. The steering group is in the process of being formed and we imagine its membership changing over time. Its membership will consist of people with lived experience from the communities we are working with, partnership organisations, local community development professionals and the NoFit State team.


Get Involved

We can’t create this new programme without your help and input, we want everyone to feel welcome and valued and for everyone’s voice to be heard as we explore new possibilities.

If you’d like to be a part of the change and contribute your skills, time and thoughts we would love you to be involved. We will create opportunities to be creative, volunteer and support in any way that you can, there are no rules or requirements.

To get involved contact our reception team and they will get you in touch with our Community Champions!

02920 221 330