
help us re-open four elms!

Community |

We can’t believe it’s been almost 5 months since we had to shut the doors of Four Elms due to the outbreak of Covid-19. But now, finally, we are looking to re-open the space. There are lots of new safety measures and precautions that we will be making to help ensure you can feel comfortable re-entering the space and keep us all as safe as possible. We are also considering how the structure and delivery of classes may need to change.

In order to do this, we need your help! We need to know what measures would make you feel most confident in coming back into the space, and what precautions you think are the most essential. It is with your input that we can make sure we do this right. So that you can enjoy training and reconnecting with our circus community in person again, one day soon.

We’ve put together two short surveys, one for our adult class attenders, and one for youth circus parents. They should only take 5 minutes to complete and will be extremely valuable to us getting training back up and running in the best way possible.

Thank you for your help, and we hope to see you all again soon. 


complete survey for adult class attenders:

Which of these statements is true for you? 

1.I would feel confident to return to indoor classes if all necessary safety rules were put in place

2.I would only feel confident to take part in outdoor activity regardless of what safety rules were put in place

3.I would not feel confident to take part in any activity at the moment

complete survey for youth circus parents:

Which of these statements is true for you?

1.I would feel confident for my child to return to indoor classes if all necessary safety rules were put in place

2.I would only feel confident for my child to part in outdoor activity regardless of what safety rules were put in place

3.I would not feel confident for my child to take part in any activity at the moment


Please email if you require a large print version of the survey.

This survey is a part of our new Pilot Project, funded by the Arts Council of Wales’s National Lottery Fund.

The survey has now closed, thank you to everyone who took part