Offering targeted financial support to circus professionals who are:
- At the start of their careers
- Black and non Black circus professionals of colour
- Circus professionals with a Disability and or who are Neurodiverse
- Circus professionals facing financial challenges
The Micro Fund is open to circus professionals with a strong link to Wales and is able to cover the direct costs up to the value of £500 that larger funders are unable to support.
18th February 2021 (18/02)
4th March 2021 (04/03)
18th March 2021 (18/03)
1st April 2021 (01/0)
how to apply:
Read or listen to the guidelines below
Applications can be made:
Online: Through the online form below
By Post: Print the form and fill it on and return it in person or by post to
NoFit State Circus, Four Elms, Four Elms Road, Cardiff, CF24 1LE
By video: Send a short video answering the question on the application form to Ed
By audio recording: Send a short recording answering the questions on the application form to Ed
how decisions are made:
Decisions are made by a panel of 4-6 people with knowledge of the Welsh circus sector from both the NoFit State core team and the wider sector.
All applications received by the deadline are read/listened to/watched, by each panel member and measured against the micro fund guidelines.
The panel aim to agree a decision within two weeks of each deadline, all applicants will be notified of the panels decisions. Feedback on any unsuccessful applications will be available if required.